Saturday, December 15, 2007


This image embodies what I feel is the ultimate form of spirituality. The image of the self surrounded by space and ignited by the fire of creation. The black oval symbolizes the container of the soul. Now the most important part of the image is the lotus at the core of the self. I call it the primary lotus form, the form attained when you attain peace with the universe. The unfurled lotus in a way shows that you have attained nirvana and that you have blossomed :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


This is a tribute to the Aries star sign of which I am a member :) The RAM obviously signifies the zodiac sign. The halo is a crown, being that Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac. The more tricky thing is the star alignment at the top of the image, which is a view of the Aries constellation as viewed in the night sky. Fellow Aries are welcome to leave comments :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Whole comments on this one, except to say, think about the supreme chakra point as it relates to water, fire and space (didn't have space to add earth but just pretend its there :) )

Thursday, November 15, 2007

MD Planes

This is a pretty simple artistic image of a multi-dimensional plane. The view is from a higher dimension. One of the theories about the universe is that of the multi-verse. Each universe exists in a separte plane bounded by its specific dimensions. When viewed from a higher dimension it would appear flat much as a ball appears as a circle in 2-dimensions. The minute threads in the background symbolize strings (read up on string theory :D) that connect the planes together. It is my view that existence arises from a singular consciousness as depicted by the raging power storm across the map. This provides the fabric on which existence rests.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


This image is title 'Balance'. I think its not too hard to figure out why. The fire surrounding the circle signifies chaos. The significance is that whatever balance is accomplished, must be under the rules of chaos. The implications of this statement, I will leave for another day for that involves a lot of theory spanning fields and I'd rather the image be appreciated without needing pain-relief medicine :D

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Hmm what to say about this one. The silhouette is me from one of my recent photos. I took out the outline and applied a fire gradient. The image has no special meaning except that you get to see a lot of energy pouring into the figure filling it, and making it glow alight with power. The figure's hands are placed over the planet to signify 'All your planet are belong to us' :D

Stop the Noise

Continuing with the commentary on human life series, I present 'Stop the Noise'. It appears to me that the world we live in is getting noisier every day. Recent research has indicated that the higher noise level is having a direct effect on people, making them really cranky and inefficient. We need to either get everyone to calm down, relax and stop making so much noise or have everyone buy these excellent noise canceling microphones!

The text is Japanese for 'Stop the Noise' courtesy of Google Translate :) The spiral and curvy lines are filters in GIMP, the names of which I cannot remember. Suffice to say I really like this image, the colored transparent, beveled text floating above a noisy Universe. The spiral was the closest I wanted to get to the Yin-Yang field that represents life.


This is a pretty straightforward image to describe, the result of a cranky mood regarding the planet we live and how we are treating it. The masks represent humanity, the tree the planet and the fire below is what is going to happen soon. I sometimes wonder if sane, sentient beings torch their feet for fun...


Inspiration for this image came randomly into my head during a weekend. I am not exactly sure what this is supposed to represent. My original thought was an ember storm of energy feeding an angry 'Eye of RA', which is probably the closest meaning that can be attributed to this. This was a harder image to create than the previous one, requiring multiple layers and a whole bunch of filters. Yay for GIMP!

Second Image

This is the second image that I created and added to my profile. The first one was just a fancy question mark.

The Dragon has always symbolized divine power in most cultures. Among these the 'Golden Dragon' is especially favored, for gold represents prosperity. The background is the lava script-fu filter. You will notice its appearance in most of my images. I <3 Script-Fu Lava Filter


Hi There!

I thought I would make a few posts about the images I have been adding to my orkut profile. Orkut resizes the images and you miss out the finer details so I thought I would make a post with the full size images and maybe explain the message hidden in it. The images appear more or less in the order in which they are posted. I normally make a new one in the weekend whenever inspiration hits me :) All the images have been created in GIMP, the greatest open source image editor ever!